Friday, July 15, 2011

New Candidate Still Under Odell's Control

The past four years with my wife and kids has been peaceful and quiet. Then I hear from my friends in Hermitage that the same old stuff is happening again in the local election. In 2007, construction dump owner Odell Binkley had bought himself a candidate. His name was Harold White. He is the reason I started this blog in the first place. Thankfully he was defeated and all has been calm in that area.

Odell Binkley, a good old boy from Mt. Juliet is doing it again. He has bought him another candidate to get his way and hold control over the Donelson and Hermitage communities. The new candidate is Robert Budesa. When I googled him I found where his company Hermitage Collision had gone bankrupt earlier this year. I also ran across his facebook page. Guess who was right there as his friend? Yep, Odell. Budesa's campaign finance disclosure lists Odell Binkley and West Nashvillian Floyd Shechter as his donors.

Binkley is owner of the construction landfill right there on Stones River. He calls it a C&D landfill. All I know is he made several big ugly mountains of construction garbage and there is no telling what is seeping into the river and right into Nashville's drinking water.

I am still close to my Hermitage friends and neighbors and I got an email from one of them with a copy of this anonymous campaign letter supporting Budesa. He is running against neighborhood friendly candidate Bruce Stanley. He knew I would be interested.

The campaign brochure was odd was just a white sheet of paper and it said it came from the Donelson Hermitage Concerned Citizens Committee. What is that? I have never heard of that and it was nowhere on the web said my friend. And who is P. Douglas Johnson? Another Davidson County property search turned up nothing on Johnson. I had a feeling that he did not exist.

I smelled a rat. It was either Harold White, Odell Binkley, or developer Chris Pardue. Whoever it was they didn't spell Budesa's name right. The brochure led off with the words ARE YOU A PATRIOT OF THE 14TH DISTRICT? See for yourself